Making Time won the 2005 Northeast Popular Culture Book Prize.
It was described by the judges as
“an outstanding contribution and a model of original scholarship.”
Read more reviews of Making Time
Lectures on Teenage Girls’ Diaries from 1800:
“an outstanding program”Providence Athenaeum
“We’re all inspired to write in our own journals now.”Grade 3, Montessori School
“Thanks so much for the splendid program”Barrington Public Library
This was wonderful. I’d love it if you could present this at my college.”Professor from Maine
Lectures on Lillian Gilbreth, enginer and mother of twelve:
- the lecture was “staged so magnificently…”
- the speaker “delivered dividends on everything she set out to do.”
Bryant College Women’s Summit
Lectures on Christiana Bannister, African American hairdresser and abolitionist:
“your talk was delightful, with one very accomplished woman talking about another very accomplished woman, and it was a perfect way to celebrate Women’s History Month.”AAUW.
“everyone enjoyed your talk-in fact they raved!”AAUW
“Your presentation was not only interesting but illuminating. It gave a view of an era that most of us had never appreciated before.”Pembroke Club.
Lectures on women’s history:
“informative, funny, relaxed atmosphere. Ms Lancaster was great”Brown University staff development day
“Such a lovely and engaging presenter! Interesting, informative, involves everyone.”Teacher workshop participant